Our Vision & Commitment


A dynamic community of legal administrative professionals.


The BCLMA provides educational development, support, information exchange, and networking opportunities for legal administrative professionals.

Strategic Themes


Organizational Sustainability

To maintain stability in finances, governance, operations, and services by proactively responding to the needs of the organization and its members.


Membership & Engagement

To continue to develop our brand, membership, sponsorship, volunteerism, and overall engagement across BC.


Enhanced Technology

Seamless and modernized technology that facilitates easy participation and creates connection for our membership including a consistent virtual platform and a robust website.

How are the Strategic Themes achieved?

  • Monthly subsection meetings
  • Social networking and educational events
  • Biennial conferences
  • All member and managing partner events
  • Online, member-only, discussion forum
  • No-charge member career centre
  • TOPICS newsletter
  • Ask a Mentor Program
  • Law Firm Surveys
  • Sponsor appreciation minglers and
  • Leadership opportunities

How can I get involved?