President’s Message

BCLMA President's Report

Message From the Board

It's been an active start to the year for the BCLMA board, subsections, and members! We have kicked off what promises to be an exciting season of subsection presentations.

In January, we held the annual Employment Law Updates where Menachen Freeman returned to update BCLMA members on employment-law-related changes from 2024.

This was followed by Manuj Aggarwal joining us at the Terminal City Club in March to present simple practical ways to start using AI.

Next month, Barbara Buchanan, KC, from the Law Society of British Columbia will present 'Anti-Money Laundering – The Current Landscape and Best Practices' at the Fairmont Waterfront.

We are also excited about the Newcomers Networking Evening that will take place on May 22nd at Commodore Lanes. Join us for some bowling, play some pool, and socialize with peers.

Visit the Events page on our website for more details on these and the rest of the year's events and educational sessions.

Please be reminded that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will happen on April 3rd at Harper Grey LLP. Four Director positions will be voted on with one Director running for another term. While only Representatives can vote at the AGM, we welcome all members to attend.

We remain thankful for all of the incredibly dedicated volunteers who continue to help us bring value to the membership and we extend a warm welcome to the 2026 Conference Committee! Thank you to our Conference Chair, Janiene Chand, and all the committee members: Ismahan Ali, Lori Chu, Sheila Tham, Carlos Mascco, Kalynda Hampshire, and Karen Vandervoort. We look forward to announcing more conference details soon.

Wishing you a wonderful spring!

Sandra Lowe
BCLMA President
Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP