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  • Author
    • #72103
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

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    • #27434
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

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    • #16184
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Hi Beverly, We are primarily a PI firm. We have used Adaugeo Document Automation Solutions for more than 20 years. It is an amazing product and a local BC company. My staff love it. Contact Jean Keeling at Phone: 250.729.9419 Email: [email protected]

      If you would like more information, please feel free to give me a call.



    • #14565
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Hi Christine,
      We have used Jean Keeling’s Adaugeo system for many years. it is the best investment we have ever made in software of any kind. If you would like to learn more, please feel free to give me a call or you may contact Jean directly at 250-729-9419 or email [email protected].


    • #10858
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Hi Barb,

      Sorry I missed you post in March. I researched this topic a couple of years ago and came across an effective and inexpensive online program.

      It have worked very well in testing.

      Hope this helps.


    • #10722
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      We used Beatty Floors many times over the years. They do very good work.


      Hope this helps.


    • #10135
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Excellent information. Thank you Lisa!

    • #9968
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      We strongly encourage students to take their hard earned vacation days. However, if for some reason they did not take them, they are certainly entitled to be paid out for these days.

    • #9781
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Hi Jennifer,

      There is an online calculator.

      Hope this helps


    • #9739
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Hi Kim,
      I presented a CLE paper on the paperless office back in June 2008. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since 2008. Lisa has setout some of the key factors to consider when taking steps to go paper(less). Lisa’s no. 1 point is crucial for the firm to even have a chance at success at going paper(less). I have attended many meeting with firm Partners, who all nod their heads in agreement and then refuse to cooperate when you attempt to put what they had agreed to into practice.

      Your inquiry is timely. I am in the process of writing a series of articles for Topics on the Paper(less) office. The first article is scheduled to be published in the Summer issue.

      In the meantime, if you would like more information, please feel free to give me a call.



    • #9606
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      I have had excellent service out of our Brother -Intellifax FAX4100E machines. You can buy them online for approximately $350. They last for years. Gary

    • #8293
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Hi Liz,

      I can highly recommend Jean Keeling. I have worked with Jean on Word Marco and VBA programming for many years. She is a Word / Office integration expert.

      Tel: 250-729-9419
      Email: [email protected]



    • #8170
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      I have upgraded our users who file documents with the LTSA to Acrobat DC. I concur with James, there is no possibility of convincing the LTSA to change their system to accept anything but Acrobat digitally signed documents. The good news, my users who are using Acrobat DC, love the new version. It is expensive, however, it adds a number of useful advanced features which are very helpful to those who spend much of their day dealing with pdf documents. Regards Gary

    • #7834
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      I’m not sure why you would not want to go with a VOIP system. We moved from Telus to our Shoretel / Shaw system approximately 5 years ago. The cost savings in the first year paid for the Shoretel system. The desktop client, Outlook and contact integration has proven to be very useful. The ability to drag and drop important voice mail wave files into the client folders is a big time saver as well. Just my thoughts. Good luck with the move :-).

    • #6952
      Gary Carter
      Paine Edmonds LLP

      Hi Judie, Are you referring to practice specific document production? If so, We have been using the Aduageo Document Automation System for more than 15 years in or Personal Injury, General Litigation and Family Law practices. It has proven to be an excellent product. My users love this program which runs as integral part of Word. If you would like more detailed information, please fee free to give me a call. Regards Gary

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