Welcome to BCLMA – where leaders in law firm management meet, engage, explore and build their skills.
Our members are law firms, or business entities with legal departments who do not sell products or services (other than legal services), and have full-time employees who manage their organization.
There are four categories of enrolment:
- Representative Member
- Individual Member
- Honorary Member
- Interim Member
1. Representative Member
Membership is owned by your firm and one individual is designated as the firm’s BCLMA Representative Member. This person is permitted to attend any and all subsection meetings throughout the year. Each firm may only assign one Representative Member. Representative Members are individual employees engaged in the management of legal organizations or departments. A Representative Member, regardless of the person’s actual title, is defined as the person who is either:
- the principal administrator in the organization; or
- the manager of a branch office of the organization; or
- the person who reports directly to the principal administrator or branch administrator and has responsibility for one or more of the organization’s major functional management or administrative areas.
2. Individual Member
Member Firms may also appoint Individual Members who are eligible to enrol in ten subsections. Providing there is a least one Representative Member in the firm, any number of qualified legal managers / supervisors / functional specialists can become Individual Members.
Individual Members may enrol in any of the nine subsections.
- Facilities & Services Management
- Finance
- Fraser Valley
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Knowledge Management
- Learning & Development
- Litigation Technology & eDiscovery
- Marketing & Business Development
- Small Firms
If an Individual Member cannot attend a subsection meeting, a substitute (representative, member or non-member within that member firm) may attend on the Individual Member’s behalf at the discretion of the Subsection Chair and provided the applicable event fee is paid. A non-member may occasionally attend as a substitute on the Individual Member's behalf.
Participation in the Human Resources subsection is only open to administrators and others in the firm who deal with confidential personnel information.
Enrolments are transferable within a firm. For example, if a Representative Member or Individual Member leaves his/her firm, their replacement assumes the corresponding level of enrolment.
The Board reserves the right to accept and refuse individual membership applications for enrolment in subsections. The Board may, at any time, request a description of an individual member's duties in their current position or request a copy of their current job description.
ENROLMENT FEES - Yearly fee, January 1st to December 31st.
Firm Representative Member
Metro Vancouver: $475 + GST
All Areas Outside Metro Vancouver: $185 + GST
Individual Member
Metro Vancouver - Subsection: $150 + GST
All Areas outside Metro Vancouver - Subsection: $50 + GST
Go to the Online Enrolment Form. Download Map / Membership Boundaries
3. Honorary Member
An Individual Member who had been employed with a Member Firm for more than 10 years and has actively participated in BCLMA (at the board, committee, or section level) may be invited by the Board to become an Honorary Member of BCLMA. Honorary Members have no formal status in the association but may be invited to BCLMA events and may receive the quarterly newsletter. Individual Members may apply or be nominated by the board. Contact [email protected] to register.
4. Interim Member
Individuals Members who are no longer employed by a Member Firm, may receive a complimentary Interim Membership for six months at their current level, provided they meet eligibility requirements;
- actively seeking employment with a Law Firm, and
- not currently working as a legal consultant or vendor
No one at the Interim Member level may be a Director or Officer of the BCLMA, nor will they have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. In order to be enrolled as an Interim Member the applicant must contact the BCLMA Administrator. The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse applications for interim enrolment for any reason.
Contact [email protected] for more information or to enrol.
Representative Members should select the subsections on the enrolment from which they wish to receive communications. Doing so ensures you receive the most relevant information. Start here with the Online Enrolment Form and Map for membership boundaries.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to accept and refuse Representative Members. The Directors may, at any time, request a description of the prospective Representative Member's duties in their current position or request a copy of their current job description.
BCLMA membership fees are non-refundable. The fees are not treated as a monthly subscription. The amount paid is considered an annual fee. Once a member’s annual fees are paid, they are members for one full year.
The Firm Representative will receive notice to renew the Firm and its members automatically. Renewals can be automatically applied to the credit card on record or paid by cheque. Changes can be made anytime here.