The following instructions will walk you through how you can cancel your booking for an event you have registered for using the BCLMA online registration feature on the website.
- Log in to the BCLMA website using your unique username and password.
- Go to your My Account dropdown menu in the top right hand corner of the screen and select Events > Events I’m Attending:
- On the Events I’m Attending page you will see listed all events which you are currently registered for. Go to the event for which you’d like to cancel your booking.
- Click the Cancel link.
- A confirmation pop up will appear at the top of your screen. Click the OK button if you would like to proceed with the cancellation.
- Your event booking will now show the status as Cancelled.
- You will receive a confirmation email shortly afterwards, confirming that your booking has been cancelled.
Please Note: If your registration included another BCLMA member or a guest:
(a) BCLMA members can cancel their registration directly on the website from their own unique log in, using the same instructions.
(b) If you would like to cancel the registration for a guest you registered, please email the event organizer as noted in the event description.